George II of Great Britain

George II
George II in 1727, the year of his succession.
King of Great Britain and Ireland (more...)
Reign 11 June 1727 – 25 October 1760
Coronation 11 October 1727
Predecessor George I
Successor George III
Prime Ministers
Consort Caroline of Ansbach
Frederick, Prince of Wales
Anne, Princess Royal, Princess of Orange
Princess Amelia
Princess Caroline
Prince George William
Prince William, Duke of Cumberland
Princess Mary, Landgravine of Hesse
Louise, Queen of Denmark and Norway
Full name
George Augustus
German: Georg August
House House of Hanover
Father George I of Great Britain
Mother Sophia Dorothea of Celle
Born 10 November 1683(1683-11-10)
Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover
Died 25 October 1760(1760-10-25) (aged 76)
Kensington Palace, London
Burial 11 November 1760
Westminster Abbey, London

George II (George Augustus; German: Georg II. August; 10 November 1683[1] – 25 October 1760) was King of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover) and Archtreasurer and Prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire from 11 June 1727 until his death.

He was the last British monarch to have been born outside Great Britain, and was famous for his numerous conflicts with his father and, subsequently, with his son. As king, he exercised little control over policy in his early reign, the government instead being controlled by Great Britain's parliament. Before that, most kings possessed great power over their parliaments. He was also the last British monarch to lead an army in battle (at Dettingen, in 1743). Although he primarily spoke German, as well as French, as his first languages like his father George I, he was also very fluent in English (unlike George I) as well as Latin, Dutch, and Spanish.


Early life

George as a young boy, pictured with his mother, Sophia Dorothea of Celle, and his sister, Sophia Dorothea of Hanover.

HH Duke Georg August of Hanover was born at Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover (Germany). He was the son of Georg Ludwig (the future King George I of Great Britain) then the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick-Lüneburg, and his wife, Sophia of Celle; both George and Sophia committed adultery but Sophia's alleged abandonment of George led to their being divorced in 1694.

Queen Anne, who had ascended the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland in 1702, made George an English citizen in 1705, a Knight of the Garter in 1706, and gave him the titles of Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Milford Haven, Viscount Northallerton and Baron Tewkesbury.

In 1708 he participated in the Battle of Oudenarde and fought in the vanguard; he was thrown off his horse but survived unharmed.


On 22 August 1705 in Hanover, George married Margravine Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach. An intelligent and attractive woman, she had been a much sought-after bride. Caroline was one of the Princesses considered for the Spanish crown, but had refused because it would have meant giving up her Protestant faith for Catholicism.

Another princess suggested as a bride was Princess Hedvig Sophia of Sweden, at the time Dowager Duchess and regent of Holstein-Gottorp, but she declined the match[2]

Quarrel with the King

George was given the title of the Prince of Wales upon the ascension of his father as King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714. The Prince of Wales had an extremely poor relationship with his father. When the Princess of Wales gave birth to Prince George William in 1717, a family quarrel ensued; at the baptism, the Prince of Wales insisted on having the Duke of Newcastle (whom the king detested) as a godfather, whilst the King chose his brother, the Duke of York and Albany. When he publicly vituperated his father, the Prince of Wales was temporarily put under arrest. Afterwards, the King banished his son from St. James's Palace, the King's residence, and excluded him from all public ceremonies.

George while Prince of Wales (1716), painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller

Political opposition

Having been banned from the Royal Palace and shunned by his own father, the Prince of Wales did all in his power to encourage opposition to George I's policies for the next several years. His London residence, Leicester House, became a frequent meeting place for his father's political opponents, including Sir Robert Walpole and Viscount Townshend. In 1720, Walpole encouraged the King and his son to reconcile. In the same year, Walpole made a return to political office, from which he had been excluded since 1717 by George I.

In 1721, the economic disaster of the South Sea Bubble allowed Sir Robert Walpole to rise to the pinnacle of government. Walpole and his Whig Party were dominant in politics, for George I feared that the Tories would not support the succession laid down in the Act of Settlement. The power of the Whigs was so great that the Tories would not come to hold power for another half-century. Sir Robert essentially controlled British government, but, by joining the King's side, he lost the favour of the Prince of Wales.

Early reign

George II succeeded to the throne on his father's death on 11 June 1727, but a battle of wills continued with his son and heir apparent, Prince Frederick. George was crowned at Westminster Abbey on 4 October. The Hanoverian composer Handel was commissioned to write four new anthems for the coronation; one of which, Zadok the Priest, has been sung at every coronation since.

It was widely believed both that George would dismiss Walpole, who had distressed him by joining his father's government, and that he would be replaced by Sir Spencer Compton; George requested Compton, rather than Walpole, to write his first speech for him. Sir Spencer, however, requested Walpole for aid in the task, leading Queen Caroline, an ardent supporter of Sir Robert, to claim that Compton was incompetent. George did not behave obstinately; instead, he agreed with his wife and retained Walpole as Prime Minister, who continued to slowly gain royal favour, securing a generous civil list of £800,000 for the King.

He also persuaded many Tory politicians to accept the succession laid down in the Act of Settlement as valid. In turn, the King helped Sir Robert to gain a strong parliamentary majority by creating peers sympathetic to the Whigs.

While the Queen was still alive, Walpole's position was secure. He was the master of domestic policy, and he still exerted some control over George's foreign policy. Whereas the King was eager for war in Europe, the Prime Minister was more cautious. Thus, in 1729, he encouraged George to sign a peace treaty with Spain.

In 1732, by granting a charter to James Oglethorpe, the King created the Province of Georgia in British America, which was named after him. In 1737 he founded the University of Göttingen in Germany, also named after him.

British Royalty
House of Hanover
Quarterly, I Gules three lions passant guardant in pale Or impaling Or a lion rampant within a double-tressure flory-counter-flory Gules; II Azure three fleurs-de-lys Or; III Azure a harp Or stringed Argent; IV tierced per pale and per chevron, I Gules two lions passant guardant Or, II Or a semy of hearts Gules a lion rampant Azure, III Gules a horse courant Argent, overall an escutcheon Gules charged with the crown of Charlemagne Or
George II
   Frederick, Prince of Wales
   Anne, Princess of Orange
   Princess Amelia
   Princess Caroline
   Prince William, Duke of Cumberland
   Mary, Landgravine of Hesse-Cassel
   Louise, Queen of Denmark
   Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick
   George III
   Edward, Duke of York
   Princess Elizabeth
   William Henry, Duke of Gloucester
   Henry, Duke of Cumberland
   Princess Louisa
   Prince Frederick
   Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark
   Princess Sophia of Gloucester
   William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester

Family problems

George II's relationship with his son, the Prince of Wales, worsened during the 1730s. When the Prince of Wales married, an open quarrel broke out; the King banished him and his family from the royal court in 1737 much like the punishment George II's father brought upon him.

After banishing his son, George II also lost his wife, who died on 20 November 1737. Reputedly, when she asked her husband to remarry when she passed on, he replied, "Non, j'aurai des maîtresses!" (French for "No, I shall have mistresses!"). Reputedly, she replied "Ah, mon Dieu, cela n'empeche pas." ("My God, that doesn't prevent it.") George II had already had an illegitimate son, Johann Ludwig, Graf von Wallmoden-Gimborn by his mistress Amalie von Wallmoden, Countess of Yarmouth. The most famous of his mistresses was Henrietta Howard, Countess of Suffolk, who was one of Caroline's ladies of the bedchamber.

War and rebellion

Against Walpole's advice, George once again entered into war, the War of Jenkins' Ear, with Spain in 1739. The entire continent of Europe was plunged into war upon the death of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI in 1740. At dispute was the right of his daughter, Maria Theresa, to succeed to his Austrian dominions. George II's war with Spain quickly became part of the War of the Austrian Succession.

Sir Robert Walpole was powerless to prevent a major European conflict. He also faced the opposition of several politicians, led by John, Baron Carteret, later Earl Granville. Accused of rigging an election, Walpole retired, in 1742, after over twenty years in office. He was replaced by Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington, George's original choice for the premiership, who had previously failed to gain office due to the manoeuvres of Queen Caroline. Lord Wilmington, however, was a figurehead; actual power was held by Lord Carteret. When Lord Wilmington died in 1743, Henry Pelham took his place. The pro-war faction was led by Lord Carteret, who claimed that if Maria Theresa failed to succeed to the Austrian Throne, then French power in Europe would increase. George agreed to send more troops to Europe, ostensibly to support Maria Theresa, but in reality to prevent enemy troops from marching into Hanover. The British army had not fought in a major European war in over twenty years, during which time the government had badly neglected its upkeep. Nevertheless, the King enthusiastically sent his troops to Europe. He personally accompanied them, leading them into the Battle of Dettingen in 1743, thus becoming the last British monarch to lead troops into battle. His armies were controlled by his military-minded son, The Duke of Cumberland. The war was not welcomed by the British public, who felt that the King and Lord Carteret were subordinating British interests to Hanoverian ones.

Half-Crown of George II, 1746. The inscription reads GEORGIUS II DEI GRATIA (George II by the Grace of God). Under the King's head is the word LIMA, signifying that the coin was struck from silver seized from the Spanish treasure fleet off Lima, Peru.

Shrewdly, George's French opponents encouraged rebellion by the Jacobites during the War of the Austrian Succession. The Jacobites were the supporters of the Roman Catholic James II, who had been deposed in 1688 and replaced, not by his Catholic son, but by his Protestant daughter. James II's son, James Francis Edward Stuart, known as the Old Pretender to the Hanoverian supporters and called "The True King" by the Jacobites, had attempted two prior rebellions; that of 1715, "the Fifteen", which was after he fled to France; and the rebellion of 1719, "the Nineteen", which was so weak that it was almost farcical. The Old Pretender's son, Charles Edward Stuart, popularly known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, led the most famous rebellion on his father's behalf in 1745.

Bonnie Prince Charlie landed in Scotland in July 1745. Many Scots were loyal to his cause; he defeated British forces in September. He then attempted to enter England, where even Roman Catholics seemed hostile to the invasion. The French monarch, Louis XV, had promised to send twelve thousand soldiers to aid the rebellion, but did not do so. The Jacobites retreated back into Scotland. On 16 April 1746, Bonnie Prince Charlie faced the Duke of Cumberland in the Battle of Culloden, the last pitched battle ever fought on British soil. The ravaged Jacobite troops were routed by the British Government Army. Bonnie Prince Charlie escaped to France, but many of his Scottish supporters were caught and executed. Jacobitism was all but crushed; no further serious attempt was made at restoring the House of Stuart.

After the Forty-Five, the War of the Austrian Succession continued. Peace was made in 1748, with Maria Theresa being recognised as Archduchess of Austria. She subsequently dropped Great Britain as a key ally, deeming it too unreliable.

Later life

For the remainder of his life, George did not take any active interest in politics or war. During his last years, the foundation of the Industrial Revolution was laid as the population rose rapidly. British dominance in India increased with the victories of Robert Clive at the Battle of Arcot and the Battle of Plassey.

George II

When the Prince of Wales died suddenly in 1751, his son, Prince George immediately succeeded him as Duke of Edinburgh. The new Duke was soon created Prince of Wales in recognition of his status as heir-apparent. However, the Dowager Princess of Wales mistrusted the King, and kept the two apart.

In 1752, Great Britain reformed its calendar. It had previously operated under the Julian Calendar, but during 1752 adopted the Gregorian Calendar. The calendar change required omitting eleven days; 2 September was followed by 14 September. Furthermore, 1 January became the official beginning of the New Year, instead of 25 March. The former date had been commonly regarded as the beginning of the New Year for a long time, but the latter was retained in formal usage. To ensure consistency of financial record keeping, and to prevent annual payments falling due before they would have under the Julian Calendar, the fiscal year was not shortened, with the result that in the United Kingdom each tax year has since begun on 6 April.

In 1754, King George issued the charter for King's College in New York City, which would later become Columbia University after the American Revolution. George's Prime Minister, Henry Pelham, died in 1754, to be succeeded by his brother, the Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and, thereafter, by the Duke of Devonshire in 1756. Another notable minister was William Pitt the Elder. Pitt was appointed a Secretary of State in the Duke of Devonshire's administration, but was disliked by the King, for he had previously opposed involvement in the War of the Austrian Succession. The hostility was marked by George's criticism of Pitt's speeches in early 1757. In April of the same year, George dismissed Pitt, but later recalled him. At the same time, the Duke of Newcastle returned as Prime Minister.

George II in later life.

Seven Years' War

As Secretary of State for the Southern Department, Pitt guided policy relating to the Seven Years' War, which may be viewed as a continuation of the War of the Austrian Succession. Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, made an alliance with her nation's former enemies, Russia and France, and became the enemy of Great Britain and Hanover. George II feared that this new alliance would invade Hanover; thus, he aligned himself with Prussia. Great Britain, Hanover and Prussia were thus pitted against many major European powers, including Austria, Russia, France, Sweden and Saxony. The war spread from Europe to North America (where the conflict is also known as the French and Indian War) and to India, where it was termed the Second Carnatic War.

Britain enjoyed an Annus Mirabilis in 1759 which saw British forces triumphant in every theatre in which they fought including the capture of Quebec, Guadeloupe and the defeat of the French army in Germany at the Battle of Minden. A French plan to invade Britain was defeated following the naval battles at Lagos and Quiberon Bay.

Statue of George II in Golden Square, Soho, London. By John Nost the elder, this was erected in 1753, but had actually been made 33 years previously for the Duke of Chandos. It is badly corroded (it has been suggested that this is due to over-zealous cleaning) and the right hand is damaged. The only other public statue of this king in London is at the Royal Naval College in Greenwich. (January 2006)

On the morning of 25 October 1760, the King entered his water closet and, after a few minutes, his valet heard a loud crash. He entered the water closet to find the King on the floor. The King was lifted into his bed, and asked for Princess Amelia, but before she reached him, he was dead. A post mortem revealed that the King had died of a ruptured aneurysm of the aorta. He was subsequently buried in Westminster Abbey and was succeeded by his grandson, who became George III.

Titles, styles, honours and arms

Titles and styles

In Great Britain, George II used the official style "George the Second, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc." In some cases (especially in treaties), the formula "Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Archtreasurer and Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire" was added before "etc."

His full style immediately prior to his succession was His Royal Highness The Prince George Augustus, Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Duke of Cambridge, Marquess of Cambridge, Earl of Carrick, Earl of Milford Haven, Viscount Northallerton, Baron Renfrew, Baron Tewkesbury, Lord of the Isles, Prince and Great Steward of Scotland, Hereditary Prince of Hanover, Knight of the Garter

Royal styles of
George II of Great Britain
Royal Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg
Reference style His Majesty
Spoken style Your Majesty
Alternative style Sire


George II's arms were: Quarterly, I Gules three lions passant guardant in pale Or (for England) impaling Or a lion rampant within a tressure flory-counter-flory Gules (for Scotland); II Azure three fleurs-de-lys Or (for France); III Azure a harp Or stringed Argent (for Ireland); IV tierced per pale and per chevron (for Hanover), I Gules two lions passant guardant Or (for Brunswick), II Or a semy of hearts Gules a lion rampant Azure (for Lüneburg), III Gules a horse courant Argent (for Westfalen), overall an escutcheon Gules charged with the crown of Charlemagne Or (for the dignity of Archtreasurer of the Holy Roman Empire).

See adjacent text
Coat of Arms of George II as King of Great Britain 

In popular culture


On screen, George has been portrayed by:




Caroline's nine pregnancies (from 1707–1724) resulted in eight live births - one of whom, Prince George William (13 November 1717-17 February 1718), died in infancy, and seven of whom lived to adulthood:

Name Birth Death Notes
Frederick, Prince of Wales 1 February 1707 31 March 1751 married 1736, Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha-Altenberg; had issue
Anne, Princess Royal 2 November 1709 12 January 1759 married 1734, Prince Willem IV of Orange-Nassau; had issue
Princess Amelia 10 July 1711 31 October 1786  
Princess Caroline 21 June 1713 28 December 1757  
Prince Augustus George 9 November 1716 9 November 1716 stillborn
Prince George William 13 November 1717 17 February 1718 died in infancy
Prince William, Duke of Cumberland 26 April 1721 31 October 1765  
Princess Mary 5 March 1723 14 January 1772 married 1740, Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel); had issue
Princess Louise 18 December 1724 19 December 1751 married 1743, Frederick V, King of Denmark and Norway; had issue


See also


  1. Within this article dates after 14 September 1752 are in the Gregorian calendar and earlier dates are in the Julian calendar.
  2. Wilhelmina Stålberg & P. G. Berg (40) (in Swedish). Anteckningar om svenska qvinnor (Notes on Swedish women). P. G. Berg, Stockholm. ISBN. 


George II of Great Britain
House of Hanover
Cadet branch of the House of Welf
Born: 10 November 1683 Died: 25 October 1760
Regnal titles
Preceded by
George I
King of Great Britain
King of Ireland
Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Duke of Bremen and Prince of Verden
Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg
(Title recognised by the Holy Roman Emperor in 1728)

11 June 1727 – 25 October 1760
Succeeded by
George III
British royalty
Preceded by
George, Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg
later became King George I
Heir to the Thrones
as heir apparent
1 August 1714 – 11 June 1727
Succeeded by
Frederick, Prince of Wales
Title last held by
James Stuart
Prince of Wales
Succeeded by
The Prince Frederick
Peerage of England
Title last held by
James Stuart
Duke of Cornwall
Succeeded by
The Prince Frederick
New creation Duke of Cambridge
3rd creation
Merged in the crown
Peerage of Scotland
Title last held by
James Stuart
Duke of Rothesay
Succeeded by
The Prince Frederick